Monday 28 May 2012


A poem about Caliban from The Tempest. If you don't know who he is, he's a monster whose mother is murdered by a rival magician and is enslaved. He falls in love with his captor's daughter because she shows him some kindness, and is made to suffer for his impertinence. I feel for Caliban. I know what it's like to suffer for love.

They call me monster. Hear me,
I will have my freedom.

You break my back with the weight
Of the world, and myself, and my aching soul.
My bleeding heart fuels my gait
As I stumble the planet, a beleaguered ghoul.

I don't know love. I barely know pity.
I let myself feel for you, and you broke me.
My body crumbles.

They call me monster. Let them.
They call me monster. Hear me.
I shall scream my fury.